Car key replacement: Should you go call your dealership or a locksmith?

You’ve looked everywhere – your car, your kitchen, your pockets, your bag. You’ve retraced your steps over and over again, and now it’s becoming clear: your car keys are lost. It can be hard to accept that your keys aren’t coming back, but once you do, the next step is to replace them. So, who do you call? Your dealership or your local locksmith?  

Calling your dealership may be your first inclination. After all, they’re familiar, and they clearly have the resources to get your key fob replaced, but they can also be expensive and inconvenient. In general, dealerships tend to charge more overhead for their services, making them a more costly solution.

When it comes to saving time and saving money, we suggest going with a locksmith instead. Here’s why.

Why call a locksmith when you need to replace a key fob

Choosing your local locksmith is a great way to get your car keys replaced quickly while saving some money in the process. Here are three key benefits to going with a locksmith:


1.     They can solve your problem in a pinch.

With greater availability and flexibility, a mobile locksmith can come to you and get you into your locked car quickly. No long waits in a dealership waiting area. Plus, they’re equipped to replace your car key or key fob right away, even older fobs or fobs featuring the latest technology, so you don’t have to go without your key for long.


2.     You’ll likely save some money.

A locksmith’s business operates differently than a car dealership. With a smaller, more streamlined business, the overhead is lower, which means a more affordable solution for you as well.


3.     Locksmiths specialize in exactly what you need.

While a dealership handles a huge range of different tasks, from selling cars to fixing all kinds of car problems, a locksmith specializes in exactly what you need: getting you into your car, getting you a new key, and sending you on your way. This level of specialization amounts to a higher level of speed and convenience.


Whether you choose to call a locksmith or contact your dealership, you’re sure to get the replacement car key you need – but if you value speed, convenience and cost, a locksmith is the way to go. If your keys are missing right now, or if you just want to have a mobile locksmith on hand for future needs, don’t wait to contact your local locksmith today.

Jaime Hann