Locksmith Home Safety Tips
If you want the key to home safety, who better to ask than a locksmith? With our experience making and repairing locks and our home security expertise, there is no one better to advise you. Whether you’re a new homeowner or an old hand, it never hurts to refresh your memory and remind yourself of important security advice. You never know—you just might learn a thing or two!
On new homes
Always rekey or replace your locks when you buy a new house. The previous owner could have extra copies of the keys, or they could have given spare keys to neighbors, family members, friends, or even contractors. If you don’t want strangers to have access to your home, you need to replace your locks (the pricier, more complicated method) or rekey your locks (which is quicker and cheaper).
On deadbolts
Install a deadbolt lock for superior home protection, but make sure that it’s installed correctly. Many contractors don’t know how to install locks the right way, so call a locksmith for best results.
On windows and locks
If there is a window near your deadbolt lock, realize that a criminal could easily break your window and unlock the deadbolt. To avoid this simple mistake, use a double cylinder lock that needs a key instead. And don’t leave the key sitting in the lock!
On sturdy doors
Use sturdy, solid doors made of solid wood or steel. If the door is made of a weak, flimsy, or hollow material, it can easily be kicked in or broken. A great lock needs a great door.
On hiding places
Never hide your door key under the mat! Do you really think you’re the first person to think of that hiding place? If a criminal wants to access your home, they will usually search obvious places in the 10 feet surrounding your door. Doormats, pots, planters, mailboxes, rocks, and fake rocks are all common hiding places. Choose somewhere 15-20 feet away from the door that is unusual and protective instead. Or better yet, give your spare key to a friend or loyal neighbor!
I hope these locksmith tips and tricks come in handy. If you are in need of any locksmith services, we would love to help you! Contact us today!